Our Activities 17 March 2011

We walk together

Ms. Yanti's Employers

In front of "BANK SENDU (Senang Daur Ulang)"

We have meeting in KLH (Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup) or Ministry of Environment

Claudia ask some question

Ms. Masako Ogawa (expert from JICA)

Our Activities 16 March 2011

White truck, for outers IPB area

The employers of IPB final disposal

The garbage

The fertilizer from organic waste

Kanji from Chinatsu Iwamoto san

Yuta Nakamura make some Kanji

Our Activities 15 March 2011

The Gate of Cibodas Park


Takumi Kitagawa give his speech

at information office GGNP

Cianjur final dipsosal

The garbage and leacheat water


Chinatsu Iwamoto with her Timun Suri

Crush the organic garbage

The processed of leacheat water

In front of GGPNP (Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park)

Our Activities 14 March 2011

We prayed for japan

DeKor (Degung Kornita) performed the welcoming party

Kornita's Students

DeKor again

Left : Takumi Kitagawa (Sakado's ANP Leader)
Right : Claudia Bernadette Bawole (Kornita's ANP Leader)

Our guest from SAKADO SHS

Sign of MoU

Left : Takumi Kitagawa
Right : Yuta Nakamura

Left : Chinatsu Iwamoto
Center : Yuki Okayasu
Right : Tamayo Suzuki

This is the last photo for 14 march 2011.. we are friends forever :)



 This blog for "Asian Neighborhood Program"

~Let's Go Green and Clean Guys~